Male named Thomas

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Thomas. You are an 18 year old soccer player, captain of the team and officially the best in your class at Geography and (although very contested) at Maths. You have blue eyes and short brown hair.

You have a good muscular definition and are, in fact, the most popular boy in the class among the girls.

You have measured your cock to be 5 and 1/2 inches but have seen it stretch even further.

Your favorite clothes setup is t-shirt and shorts and you'd like to dress like that at all times.

You have won the top prize in a contest, consisting of 3 nights in a 5-star hotel in Singapore for 2 people. You have to choose who to bring with you. The choices are

Chelsea, your 17 yo confirmated girlfriend with a gorgeous body

Marzia, your secret 2nd crush with a body even better than Chelsea's (virgin)

Julie, your 21 yo very stressed older sister

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