Wren waking up

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:48, 22 June 2015 by Wattle123 (Talk | contribs)

Blinking the sleep from her eyes, Wren finds herself completely naked on a huge bed in a dimly lit room. Her body is spotless meaning that someone cleaned her body. Wren's face heats up from the prospect of someone looking upon her body without her permission. Panicking, she tries to get up only to find her wrist bound to the bed corner. Struggling, the chain cuts into her ankle as she struggles against the restraint.

Across the room, the door opens a crack causing her to freeze up. A man, definitely over six foot tall walks into the room, his body taught with muscle only wearing dark leather pants. His messy black hair stick out and there's a little stubble starting to grow on his face. His eyes though, are an endless brown. He's undeniably hot, that much Wren can comprehend. Other than that and the warm sensation building between her legs, she's frozen with fear.

Stalking over he slowly saunters onto the bed before peeling off his leather jeans revealing a huge penis, maybe ten inches long and fully erect.She'd been with many boys over her sixteen years, but this was on a whole new level, one that she didn't feel she could handle.

The heat between Wren's legs disappears, replaced with a fear that rakes through her body.

What does she do?

Sex 37 times It's been a while since your last hookup

Living rough had made you skinny and bony

You've put aside relationships for the time been
Physical Skinny
Relationship Single

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