Chelsea/Josh Bedroom Pussy

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:26, 10 June 2015 by Maxpower (Talk | contribs)

He moans as he feels his rod penetrates your pussy, and you cant help but moan with him. He thrusts himself in and out, relentlessly maximizing the pleasure for the both of you. It doesnt take long for him to feel the climax, and with a groan, he finishes in you.

You didnt have enough though, your legs wrap around his body, and he stares in surprise. "No son of mine would finished that quickly, am i right sweety?" You question. Although you asked, you already know the answer, his rod had remained hard in your sperm filled pussy, and if anything, it only got harder.

He shifts his body in a more comfortable position before starting to pump onto you, sweet bliss hits you as you cant help but wish for more. Sex was your favorite hobby after all! Aside from volleyball that is.

Volleyball! Thats it! You forgot that you had to get to a volleyball meeting right after breakfast! But you didnt want this heavenly feeling to stop.

What do gou do?

You are:
Chelsea, age 36
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