2T4U/Devil Abilities

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Devil Abilities

A devil is a former servant to the Judeo-Christian God, YHWH. They are generally beautiful winged humanoids with leathery wings and horns. The majority of the devils are the forces of the heavenly host that sided with Sammael during the war in heaven. There are a few that were cast down after the war, but they are EXTREMELY rare.

  • Gender: Devils are androgynous hermaphrodites. They are generally referred to as "he", though there are occasional exceptions. A lot of devils are small-breasted, allowing them to pass as a full male as easily as they can a female, but some of them support impressive racks.
  • Appearance: A devil's appearance is determined by the stature and standing that they held within the heavenly host before their fall, and the damage accrued from the fall.
  • Archdevils: There are seven archdevils, and each represents one of the seven deadly sins. They are the most powerful devils in Sheol.
    • Sammael, Master of Sheol, Prince of Lies, Prince of Pride: Sammael was the first creation of YHWH. He was created as a companion and adversary for God. Sammael has always been ha satan "the adversary". Before the fall he was created to challenge YHWH as an opponent, like a chess partner or gaming buddy' but with the creation of humans, and God's subsequent adoration of them Sammael became jealous and sought to overthrow God. Sammael was once Chief of all Angels, Highest Archangel, Chief of the Seraphim, and Chief of the Powers. He is second in power only to YHWH himself. Sammael has been inaccurately given the name Lucifer (which is actually just Venus, the morning star). He enjoys the fact that humanity struggles under this misconception, and has never made the slightest attempt to correct the mistake. Sammael is the most beautiful a physical being could ever possibly be. He has six pair of leathery wings (12 wings) that were once feathered, and two pair of horns (four horns). He doesn't appear in his true form very often.
    • Mammon, King of Hell, Prince of Greed: Mammon is a King of Hell. Hell has many realms, and many kings. Mammon is the archdevil of greed and has power over greed. He was originally Seraphim.
    • Asmodeus, King of Hell, Prince of Lust: Asmodeus is a King of Hell. Asmodeus is the archdevil of lust, and has power over lust. He was originally Seraphim.
    • Leviathan, King of Hell, Prince of Envy: Leviathan is a King of Hell. Leviathan is the archdevil of envy, and has power over envy. He was originally Seraphim.
    • Beelzebub, King of Hell, Lord of Flies, Prince of Gluttony: Beelzebub is a King of Hell. He is the archdevil of gluttony, and has power over gluttony. He was originally Seraphim.
    • Berith, King of Hell, Prince of Wrath: Berith is a King of Hell. He is the archdevil of wrath, and has power over wrath. He was originally Cherubim.
    • Belphegor, King of Hell, Prince of Sloth: Belphegor is a King of Hell. He is the archdevil of sloth, and has power over sloth. He was originally a Throne, and still has a non-humanoid appearance. In his natural state he appears to be a mass of twisted, tortured metal bands in eternal motion against and amongst one another. He never voluntarily appears in his true form.
  • Other Devils:
  • Abilities: Devils were created with a great deal of power, but much of it came from a direct connection to heaven. Sammael provides power similar to that produced from heaven, but it is not nearly as powerful.
    • Shape Change: Devils can change their shape to anything imaginable, though they tend to stick to living beings or composites of various types of living beings. They rarely choose the form of an inanimate object.
    • Flight: Most devils still have wings. All devils can fly. The speed at which devils can fly is variable, but an average speed is mach 5.
    • Soul Reading: Devils can sense the weight of a soul, and inherently know the sinful and virtuous deeds that a being has performed at any time in their lives.
    • Invisibility: Devils can become invisible or visible at will.
    • Intangibility: Devils can become intangible or tangible at will.
    • Physical Prowess: Devils are extremely physically strong and fast. Their abilities in this area are on par with an ancient vampire.
    • Indomitable Spirit: Devils cannot be affected by mind or emotion altering effects, except those of other devils, angels, or YHWH himself.
    • Space-time Warping: Devils can warp space-time. This allows them to perform an amazing number of effects.
      • Faster than Light Travel: Devils can warp space-time in such a manner that they effectively move faster than the speed of light. This is only an illusion however since they are actually moving space itself, and are not in motion themselves.
      • Time Dilation: Devils can speed up, or slow down the passage of time. Very powerful devils, like archdevils can even stop the flow of time around them for a period of subjective time.
      • Wormholes: Devils can connect two points of space-time to create stable wormholes.
    • Faith Magi: Some devils believe in Sammael strongly enough to be accomplished Faith Magi.
    • Dominion: Devils are given certain powers over mankind. These are granted by God in their role as tempters and adversaries to heaven, and are not innate powers. Sammael has all of the devils believing that the powers are from him. Because these powers come from God, those who do don't believe in his existence AT ALL are immune to these effect. It is hard not to believe in the existence of God at least a little bit when in the presence of a devil however.
      • Awesome Presence: Devils radiate the absence of God, which fills onlookers with a sense of dread and / or fear, depending on their nature.
      • Mind Reading: Devils can see into the deepest depths of mortal minds. Only the very strongest can resists their powers, and there are none save gods that can block an archdevil's mind reading.
      • Possession: Devils can posses the bodies of mortal beings. This is easiest with those with little to no faith. Faithful worshipers (of anyone except Satan) have a good resistance against possession.
      • Imprisonment: Devils are meant to stay in Sheol. They normally only affect the mortal plane though influence and possession. Summoning a devil to the mortal plane can free them to be physically present in the world. If a devil is "slain" or exorcised from the mortal plane they return to Hell, and cannot be summoned or in any way contact the mortal plane for 1001 days.

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