2T4U/Aaron/Wake Missy/Your room/Agree, but only if she lets you touch her as well

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“Umm.... Ok...” You respond a little hesitantly. “You can touch it, but.... you think you can let me touch your peepee too?”

“You wanna touch my peepee?” she responds, taken aback. “Why do you wana touch that?” She has a slightly disgusted tone to her voice as though she would have expected you to be completely revolted by the very idea of touching her there.

“Well, you are gonna be touching me, so I wanna touch you too.”

“But my peepee isn't all weird.” She responds, reaching down between her leggs and rubbing as though scratching an itch.

“But I still wanna touch it though.” You say. “If you wanna touch my peepee, you gotta let me touch yours too.”

Missy makes a sour face, avoiding your gaze as she fidgets around like she has to pee while she starts scratching between her legs some more. “Yeah.” She says, turning away from you and making a frustrated groaning sound while she doubles over with her hands between her legs. She turns around back to you, pulling up the front of her underwear as though she is trying to tear the top off of them and then she suddenly pulls the front of them out and sticks a hand down inside and rubs as she bends forward again and looks up at you. “I got a really bad itch” she says.

Wow, an itch right on her peepee! That sounds really annoying. But maybe it actually works out rather well like that. “Maybe I can help scratch it for you.” you offer.

“Huh?” She responds, looking up at you.

“You said you were gonna let me touch your peepee already, so maybe I can help with the itch.” She fidgets a little more as she scratches herself with her hands inside her underwear, looking back and forth as though trying to see if there is anyone looking while she tries to make up her mind. Suddenly, she seems to arrive at her decision as she collapses to the floor so fast you are surprised she didn't make a big thud when she landed, and then immediately begins ripping her underwear off her legs as though they are burning her.

“Ok,” She says, spreading out her legs and grabbing the hem of her night gown and pulling it up to her chin. As you crouch down between her feet, she seems to look at you with big puppy dog eyes as though she is begging you to touch her.

You move a little closer and begin scratching her privates, running your finger nails over the puffy outsides around that crack in the middle. You can sort of feel it as you run your finger tips over it, it is really warm and puffy, but it also seems like a little bit of wetness is coming from the middle.

Missy seems to be getting very frustrated with what you are dong and lets out a groan as she pushes her body into your hand. “Not there!” She says. “In the middle!”

The middle? You mean, the place where she actually pees from?

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