Life as a good little girl/Let Morgan take pictures of you

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"Er, well..." you manage to stammer out a few unintelligible words, none of which actually count as refusal. You don't want this guy you just met taking pictures of you to do God only knew what with, but you don't want to look uncool in front of Tiffany.

"I'll just take two. No more," Morgan says as he takes out his phone and points it at you.

"You better make 'em count then," Tiffany responds as she grabs you by your shoulders, and shoves you onto your knees. You let out a little yelp as you quickly pull your stupidly short skirt forward to cover up your completely visible pussy (naturally Tiffany shoved you down in a manner that forced you to spread your legs).

"Wai-" you open your mouth to object, but then hear a clicking noise. You come to the painful realization that it's too late, and Morgan already snapped a photo.

"Oh nice," he nods in approval as he holds up his phone for all to see. You only pray that no one else is looking, because Morgan is now the proud owner of a photo with you in the sluttiest school girl outfit you could possible imagine, posing on your knees with your mouth wide open. Great. Just great.

"God Stephi, you're such a nasty girl. You sure look good though!" Tiffany whispers in your ear. Well, at least she still thinks your cool. And it's just one guy? It can't be that bad, can it?

"Hey, how about you get her on all fours?" Tiffany asks Morgan, "that'd be pretty hot to, right?"

"That would be down right awesome," Morgan adds in as he levels his phone to take another picture. You don't exactly want to pose like a dog in the middle of a store, and you certainly don't want Morgan to have a picture of you doing so (although he is kind of cute). On the other hand, he already has one picture, how bad could one more be? And you don't want to look like a spoilsport in front of Tiffany. You're doing so well today with her!

Timidly get down on your hands and knees.

This is far enough. Mutter some excuse to get away.

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