Downfall/Take the drink

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
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You take the glass. Kirsten's announcement sounds ominous and demands preparations. Kirsten pours herself a bigger drink and raises her glass. You clink your glass against hers. You watch the horizon turn red, occasionally sipping your drink. You rarely drink booze, but the drink is so small it only slightly affects you. It'd be better not to have another drink, though.

The sky lost any color when Kirsten finishes her drink. She fishes an ice cube out of the glass and puts it in her mouth. "Ready? Follow me to the bathroom."

"What kind of perverted thing do you want me to do?" you ask alarmed.

"Nothing perverted, just time-consuming." She reaches a leg over to you. "Feel that."


"Feel it!"

You rub your hand over her shin and shrug. "What am I supposed to feel? Nothing but stubbles. Didn't you shave before we... oh no."

"Oh yes. A neat, clean shave. The sooner you start, the sooner you're finished."

There is a twisted logic in it. A bet is a bet, and unless you want to start an endless discussion, you better get going. Damn you, Kirsten. Shaving your own legs is hassle enough; it took you long enough yesterday. You follow Kirsten into the bathroom. You get her razor and shaving cream. Kirsten opens the button of her shorts. You remember how Kirsten won her bet.

"Hey Kirsten?" you say. "You did put on some underwear by now, did you?"

"And when do you think I had time for that?"

"You had time to buy booze! And you were sitting on the terrace for over an hour."

"Fresh underwear will just be dirtied with shaving dream."

Good lord, she is pulling one of her old tricks. The slave can object to any task at any time, but only with a good reason. Should the reason happen to be invalid, the time of slavery is prolonged for another twelve hours. Kirsten invented the term "forfeit" for the unjustified rejection. She often pulled boundaries in the past to squeeze more time of slavery out of you. You look at her. She grins.

You are not shy, and you and Kirsten have seen each other naked on several occasions, changing or after showers. This will be different, though, you imagine.

State of Clothing T-shirt; Shorts; Panties


Surroundings Share room with Kirsten
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