A confusing mixture.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:12, 21 March 2015 by LadyNightengale (Talk | contribs)

You realize you had been caught up in the moment and hadn't really thought much about getting pregnant. You had only wanted Alex, and the idea of having her inside of you filled you with lust, in fact it still does. If you weren't so sore, you could probably go for another round. You stretch, letting out a quiet yawn as you do so. You settle for lounging on the couch, as any movement causes your tired muscles to ache terribly.

You were going to be a mother, and Alex was the father, or would she also be the mother considering she preferred feminine pronouns? Would she even want to have kids? Hell, did you want kids? You'd never really thought about it, and had always been careful during your heat cycle. You knew you could... Take care of the pregnancy... If you didn't want to have any kids, but you'd have to wait a couple weeks or a couple months to get it done. You're unsure how getting rid of your own child before it even gets to live makes you feel.

As Alex enters the room, redressed and toweling dry the hair on her arms, her tail occasionally flicking. "Sleepy Beauty awakens." She says with a grin. "How are you feeling?"

You groan but stretch again, resulting in the satisfying feeling your back cracking. "Sore, but it's well worth it. That was the best sex of my life." You answer.

Alex chuckles and glances down at you. Briefly, you see something flicker in her eyes, but it's gone as quick as it came for she picks up your feet and sits down, resting your feet on her lap.

Do you...

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Fox
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