High Voltage/Go to Shawn's dorm

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I decided to go check up on Shawn. Or rather, I went to go break up with Shawn. I didn't want to have a boyfriend anymore than I wanted to be someone's girlfriend. Those titles tend to come with expectations.

I had written down Shawn's dorm number earlier, during my conversation with Lauren. Once I checked the piece of paper for reference, I was off.

It wasn't a far walk, and it felt nice to be outside and walking around. Shawn's building wasn't as new as my dorm was. I waited for someone to exit and I caught the door behind them, and walked up to the third floor, and knocked on his door.

I heard a pair of footsteps walking towards the door, and a shadow formed in the peephole. The footsteps walked away, and then a second pair of footsteps began walking about the room in a much more hurried manner. Was this it? Did I really catch him in the act? "Shawn," I said as I knocked again. "I can hear you in there."

Shawn cracked the door open. He was shirtless and wearing basketball shorts. His room was still dark.

I put my hand on the door, trying to push it open further, but he held it firm.

"Don't you usually have class?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, putting my other hand on his chest. "But I've missed you, and I thought I could come over."

He face was stoic, not exactly the type of face you would expect a college guy to have who was just offered sex. "Now, uh, isn't a good time," he said, relaxing his grip on the door just a little.

This was my chance. I called upon all my strength to push on the door, stepping into the room as it opened wider. The room was dark, but there was girl in the corner, covering herself with a sheet. I laughed a little on the inside, the situation was actually kind of funny. It probably would have been less funny if I was actually emotionally invested in this relationship.

Should I:

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