High Voltage/Enter the room

From Create Your Own Story

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I scurried across the hall and the girl shut the door behind me. "What happened?" she asked.

I looked blankly at her, "I'm sorry?"

She smiled. "I saw Sarah's post yesterday about shock. Are you still struggling with your memories?"

I nodded silently.

"I'm Becky." I continued staring blankly. "We went to high school together. I introduced you to Shawn."

This wasn't ringing any bells for obvious reasons, but I tried to erase the blank look from my face as if I could suddenly remember.

"I might owe you an apology for that introduction," she continued.

"Guys are dicks," I said, trailing off.

"And that's what we love about them," she replied as she put her hand on my shoulder. "I'll turn around, let you put on your clothes."

I thanked her and dropped the sheet as she turned. I put on my bra and panties and Becky turned back around. I put on my jeans, but my shirt presented a difficulty since some of the buttons were missing.

"Here," Becky said, holding out a red sweater.

I accepted it and put it on.

When I was dressed, she embraced me in a hug, "I would let you stay, but I've got to go to class."

I completely forgot about school! I frantically looked about the room until I found a clock. I was too late, I already missed my two classes for the day. I still had a few hours before I had to go to work. "Thank you for letting me change," I said as we both walked out the door. I followed Becky out of the building and she headed up the hill towards class.

Should I:

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