High Voltage/Go home instead

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< High Voltage
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Screw that. I didn't want to Shawn. I threw the phone back down on the passenger seat. It was probably a booty call, and I was not prepared for what that entailed. Instead I continued on to the dormitories and parked my car in the Carvey parking lot.

Elianna was in the common area watching TV. It appeared the other girls had already retired for the night. "Hey Lauren," she said.

"Hey El," I replied.

"How was Shawn?" She asked. I replied only with a blank face. She continued, "You've been gone a while, that's where you were, right?"

"Yes," I stuttered. Elianna must have read my hesitation as something mischievous. It didn't help that her prolonged staring at me sort of made my smile as if I was hiding something.

"Did you find the evidence you were looking for yet? Can we officially label him a cheater?" She asked.

"No," I looked down at my feet. "Not just yet."

She frowned. "Want to watch TV? There isn't really anything on." It looked like she was watching some MTV show.

Should I:

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