High Voltage/TV with Elianna

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"Sure," I said with a smile. I sat next to Elianna on the couch and we watched TV. I felt as if I was losing brain cells watching this garbage, but I wanted a chance to bond better with the roommates.

After a minute or two Elianna offered me a drink, and I accepted. She got up from the couch and retrieved a giant pitcher from the fridge and poured us both giant glasses. I took a sip, "Holy hell! What is in this?" I asked.

"It's mostly vodka," she replied.

"Well I could taste that! I mean what else is in here? This is strong." I looked over to Elianna and saw she had already finished half the glass. "Are you okay," I asked.

Elianna sighed, and I had a feeling this conversation was going to be outside my area of expertise. "Pete isn't responding to my texts anymore," she said.

"Oh no," I said in a comforting tone.

"It's okay, he wasn't very interesting." She downed the rest of her drink.

"Maybe you should slow down there a little," I suggested.

"I'm fine," she insisted. "I'm not sad or anything, but I'm not going to turn down a reason to drink," she raised her empty glass and smiled.

"I've got class in the morning, I should get to bed."

Elianna frowned, "Come on Lauren!" She patted the couch cushion. "Stay and drink with me,"

Should I:

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