Take it home with you

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:04, 13 January 2015 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

The drive back is even more awkward than the way there.

"I'm going to bed," is the first thing Jake says to you since leaving the carnival. By now, you're home, having just gotten through the door and already he's storming away from you.

Defeated, you head over the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As you start getting undressed you realize the "sex potion" is still in your coat pocket. You laugh to yourself. Fuck it, you think, prizing open the vial and throwing back the contents. The liquid is thick and sweet with a little kick of salt and sticks to your tongue and the walls of your throat. You take a few sips of water to wash it down, thinking you're an idiot.

Suddenly you feel hot. You look up at the mirror to see your cheeks turning and red. For a moment, you panic, it's an allergic reaction! But then you feel oddly relaxed, every muscle in your body is warm and melting. You feel only one part of your body tensing, your nipples. You can see them through your shirt in the reflection and you don't know why you do it, but you slowly slide your top off over her head. Your bra follows before you can think. And you just gaze at yourself in the mirror, half naked and flushed. You finally see what Jake was always talking about. Your tits are perfect.

You strip off the rest of your clothes and notice your panties are drenched. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know you don't understand what's happening, but as you unlock the door and step out into the bedroom, you're beyond caring.

Across from you, you can make out every line of Jake's body under the sheets. He's already asleep. And you know he's a heavy sleeper.


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