Try for all three of them

From Create Your Own Story

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Considering how forward she was being, and that you know of her reputation, you're feeling ballsy and decide to go all in.

"That sounds great. In fact, I'd like to meet everyone on the welcoming comittee. First day at a new school, really want to get to know as many people as I can." You put on a big smile, just barely nudge your hips forward, so she can feel you pressed against her. Even you haven't bothered to see what you got going on down there yet, but apparently you're equipped to amaze. You hear a brief startle "Oh! Yes, I definitely think we can help you out with that. In fact we'll bring the whole welcome wagon around for you. You'll make quite a few friends today. Why don't you just wait outside around the gym, and remember, patience is a virtue..." She smiled seductively and walked away slowly, strutting and showing her tantalizing ass as she was the last one in the locker room.

Name John (A Big Jock)
Sex Male
Location High School Gym
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