Segon: M, St, Power

From Create Your Own Story

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Prologue: Dinner Parties and Espionage.

And so it was, Segon the Silent, an Infiltrator, came to start the long road towards destiny.

Some men barricade themselves behind locked doors. Some men hide themselves in towers of stone, high above the filthy streets below. Some men cower behind a group of hired thugs, armed with cold steel and blood lust. But no matter how hard they try, no man is safe from Segon the Silent. You have yet to encounter a lock you could not pick, a wall you could not scale, or an army you couldn't evade. Although you are young, barely 20 years old, you are already well on your way to amassing a small fortune. Living in a run down apartment in the slums of Bellmoral, Elaria's capital city, you hide away nearly a thousand gold pieces in a small hiding spot only you know about. You earn your bread by breaking into locked places and taking whatever your client wants taking, whether it be artwork, gems, or, on occasion, lives. You've infiltrated dungeons and delivered carefully worded death threats to certain "liabilities" taking residence in a cell. You've climbed your way into noble estates and made off with documents closely guarded and woefully desired. Once you even broke into the bedchamber of King Humont while he slept, although whether you did this for money or merely to prove you could, only you know.

And now you sit at the edge of Kerenlorn forest, your eyes set upon the massive stone fortress that is home to Lord Daren of House Gorn, arguably the wealthiest and most ruthless vassal of King Humont. Lord over the Red Hills, Daren is reported to be as generous to his allies as he is merciless to his enemies. More importantly, House Gorn has been an enemy to House Rook - your current employer - for two centuries. The dispute was bloody in its origin, although both sides accuse the other of being the instigator. Now, the war continues behind smiles and backstabbing, amidst dinner parties and espionage.

Enter Segon.

You have been contracted by House Rook to:

  • Infiltrate Daren's fortress
  • Acquire House Gorn's financial records, particularly those concerning their expansion into the Stralkop Bluff gold mines
  • Replace those records with falsified documents

Night slips over the country side. It's time to work.

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