Victim: Go back to bed

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:45, 6 December 2014 by Chop111 (Talk | contribs)
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You try to put everything out of your mind and just get back in bed to sleep some more.

You're woken up abruptly by a loud banging sound coming from your back door. You get up, and run downstairs in your boxers to find that there's someone walking around downstairs dressed all in black with a ski mask over his face.

In a panic, you run upstairs, tripping over your own two feet. You're positive the intruder has heard you, and you start to breathe heavily and make it to your room.

Your parents don't believe in privacy at your age, so they removed the lock from your door. You try your iPhone, but the battery was already dead. All you can do is try and hide, but it's too late.

A man, probably 30 or 40 years old rushes into your room, spots you under your bed and goes to grab you.

"Well, what have I found here?!" exclaims the intruder. You are frantically kicking and punching the air, but he has complete control as he pulls out some duct tape and starts taping you up.

The next thing you know, there's a bag over your head, tape over your mouth, and you are being lifted into a vehicle outside that smells like garlic and cigarettes.


Gender Male <- Equipment ->
Age 11 Nothing
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