D&D: F-HES The sisterhood accept you

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The elf and the religious girl looks to the one in armor who simply shrug and smile. "Well, the more the merrier." You look at them and your heart feel light and relieved !"Th-Thank you so much. I won't dissapoint you !" you let out happily.

The leader seems to smile and nods, a spark in her eyes. "I'm sure I won't. My name is Ellen." she present herself. She points the human girl to her right" This is Merela and the blond beauty to your right is Syllin." she then presents. You smile at them all and present yourself. You spend the rest of the evening knowing your three new companions.

Ellen is a strong amazon kind of girl. A beautiful brunette with a light tan and an well-toned body. She's a warrior obviously and she seems fearless and brace. She's really open to you and quickly bring you into the fold of the team without worrying. You quickly identify her as the leader.

Syllin is quiet and calm but always has that mischieveous smiles. The elf is wearing some forester gear that is typicaly elf, elegant and useful. Her long blond hair is held in a ponytail. She seems delicate at first but you have heard that elfs elegance and apparent frailty is only an illusion. She talks to you often to make comments about her two companions when they get carried away in their stories and make you chuckle. You've heard that elf have trouble making relations with humans because of the difference in lifespan but this one seems to have developped quite a bond with the two human girl.

Merela seems like an inbetween the two other. Her auburn hair looks alot like Ellen's from afar. She's not frail but she dosn't look as worked-out as Ellen. She's quieter then Ellen and a bit more serious, but she has that confident aura that makes you feel she could be trusted with your darkest secret. She's also quick to keep Ellen from going overboard, at least from what you can glimpse of their stories.

They also make you share a bit of your own history and you let out bits of your past as to deepen the thrust. You do not have much to tale though.

The night goes on and the three gets up, ready to retire to their room. You look at them get up before Ellen comes to you. "Well, your one of us now. You coming ?" she says with a smile with a hand held out. You blushes and takes it. The warmth of her hand and her smile makes you feel... comforteable.

The four of you retire to the night. A four bed room was rented out and you sit on your bed and watch the other girls get comforteable and ready for sleep. You undress as well and lay down on the mats, looking out the window at the moon. Luck is finaly smiling at you...

D&D: F-HES You go to sleep and wake up the next day

D&D: F-HES You go to sleep but something wakes you

D&D: F-HES The girl decide to initiate you

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