2T4U/Supernatural Beings Abilities

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Supernatural Beings Abilities

Ghost, Spirit, Specter, etc.

A ghost is the spirit of a deceased living being that has not passed on to any form of afterlife. Most animals pass on to an afterlife, so animal ghost should be exceedingly rare.

  • Naturally Invisible: Ghosts cannot be seen by normal means. With practice a ghost can make itself visible as a translucent figure.
  • Naturally Intangible: Ghosts cannot normally interact with physical objects. With practice a ghost can interact with physical objects to varying degrees.
  • Chilling Presence: Passing through a ghost causes a chill in living beings. With practice a ghost can lower the temperature of a small area.
  • Possession: With practice a ghost can possess the bodies of the living. Animals are relatively easy. In humans the willpower of the individual limits if the ghost can possess them and for how long.
  • Electromagnetism: Ghosts emit a unique form of electromagnetism that can be detected by an EMF meter.
  • Salt Barriers: Ghosts cannot pass over or under a line of salt.
  • Ectoplasm: With practice a ghost can produce the metaphysical material called ectoplasm.
    • Ectoplasm is generally wet and slimy, but with enough practice it can be made to feel like any form of matter.
    • Ectoplasm glows faintly.
    • Ectoplasm is transient, it never lasts longer than an hour.
    • Very powerful ghosts can use their ectoplasm like semen to impregnate an ovulating female host with a "death-touched" child.
  • Extreme Emotions: When a ghost experiences extreme emotions they can manifest powers that they have not yet mastered.


A reaper is the soul of a once living being that was placed in Purgatory in their afterlife and assigned to Death to work off the debt of their sin. They have all of the abilities of a ghost without needing to practice, but have a few other powers given to them by Death.

  • Sin Sense: Reapers can read the sin on a soul. Sin is defined by belief. Christian sin is different than Agnostic sin, etc.
  • Soul Collection: Reapers can collect the souls of the dead.
    • Souls that feel VERY strongly that they left something EXTREMELY important unfulfilled in their mortal life can resist the reaper's grasp, but this is rare.
    • Reapers carry souls to the afterlife and/or reincarnate them according to the soul's beliefs and their earthly actions.
      • Atheist's souls disperse upon death, and therefore cannot be collected nor become ghosts.
      • While belief creates afterlives, it takes large numbers of believers to do so.
      • Small cults and an individual's beliefs do not produce afterlives, so the closest afterlife is chosen.
      • Agnostic souls go to the most believed in afterlives . . . therefore Christian for now.
  • Forgetfulness: Most beings will not remember their encounter with a reaper. Reapers can allow them to remember, but this is rarely done.
  • Reaper's Scythe: Reapers carry a scythe that was forged with a piece of Death itself. A single strike from the scythe will instantly kill any living being. Reapers are held accountable for anyone they kill, so they only use the scythe when their own existence is threatened.


A death-touched individual is the result of the union between a ghost or reaper and a living woman; or the result of a ghost being returned to life.

  • Ghost Sensitive: Death-touched people can sense ghosts. Powerful and/or practiced death-touched people can see, and sometimes even touch ghosts.
  • Immune to Ghost Possession: Death-touched people cannot normally be possessed by ghosts. The exception is below.
  • Medium: Death-touched people can open themselves to ghosts, allowing the ghosts to speak through them at the risk of the ghost possessing them.
  • Natural Ghost: Death-touched people who die and do not move on to the afterlife are much more skilled as ghosts, requiring little practice to master their abilities.

Witch, Warlock, Bruja, etc.

A witch is a naturally magical living being. The magic is hereditary, following the standard rules for genetic inheritance.

  • Innate Magic: The witch is distinguished from other spell-casters in that they are born with the ability to use magic.
    • Training and/or practice are required to become skilled; but no training is necessary to perform small feats of magic.
    • Witches do not "cast spells" so much as they will things to change. Witches do not require incantations, magic circles or odd assortments of objects to perform magic.
    • Witches can learn the craft of the wizard to cast spells beyond their power; which does require components. For the purposes of those abilities they are considered a wizard.
  • Magic: Magic is very versatile. A witch's magic is only limited by their knowledge and power. A powerful enough witch can do anything with magic.
  • Witches Familiar: While not a natural ability, many witches have animal pets that they have enhanced through magic. They can use the pet's senses, and telepathically communicate with them at any distance within the same universe. Many witches have a sexual relationship with their familiars.

Wizard, Sorcerer, Enchanter, etc.

A wizard is a being (normal or supernatural) who through study and practice can use magic.

  • Spells: Wizards require spells to use magic.
    • Spells must be acquired by some means.
      • Spells are usually found in ancient tomes.
      • The majority of found "spells" are utter fictions and/or heavily coded, and therefore useless.
      • Some wizards gain their spells through infernal contracts. More details on the infernally contracted will follow at some point in the future.
      • VERY knowledgeable wizards can make new spells, but these are extraordinarily rare.
    • Spells require components.
      • Generally the more powerful the spell the more components it requires.
      • All spells require ingredients, materials that range from relatively common to impossibly rare.
      • Most spells also require spoken components, usually in ancient and/or mythical dialects.
      • Most spells require a series of physical gestures.
      • Some spells require a staged scene with magic circles, candles and the like.
      • Some spells can benefit from and/or require multiple wizards casting in unison.
  • Magic Items: Some wizard spells can imbue normal items with magical properties.
    • Potions are the most common type of magical item, and the easiest to produce
    • Jewelry is the second most common type of magical item, with amulets and rings far outstripping other types of jewelry.
    • Other items are much less common, and can be just about anything, from a pebble to a building.

Vampire, Nosferatu, etc.

A vampire is a once living being that has been changed into a vampire by another vampire.

  • Immortality: Vampires are immortal. They do not age, keeping the appearance that they had at the time of their "death".
  • Invulnerability: Vampires are nearly immune to damage. Their wounds heal almost instantly. This process can be significantly slowed if they haven't fed for some time however.
  • Physical Prowess: Vampires have immense strength and speed. Very powerful vampires can move so fast that they seem to teleport, and can throw SUVs around like they were Tonka Trucks.
  • Mesmerism: Vampires can mesmerism a victim to bend them to their will. The vampire must overcome the victim's willpower to do so.
  • Animal Control: Vampires can control bats, rats, wolves, and insect and arachnid swarms; and use them as they wish.
  • Shape Change: Vampires can change their shape into that of a wolf or a swarm of bats, rats, insects or arachnids.
  • Mist Form: Vampires can become a mist and disperse.
  • Wall Crawling: Vampires can crawl across vertical or even inverted surfaces like an insect.
  • Blood: The blood of a vampire is very powerful, having a number of uses.
    • Vampires can turn their victims into vampires by draining them to the point of death, then feeding the victim vampire blood.
    • Vampire blood is more addictive than any drug.
    • Vampire blood imbues vampire-like powers to those who drink it; albeit at a significantly reduced level of power.
    • Ingesting vampire blood creates a psychic link between the vampire and the imbiber.
    • Ingesting vampire blood make the imbiber more vulnerable to that vampire's influence, while making them more resistant to other vampires' influences.
    • Extremely long term use of vampire blood will eventually "kill" the living, turning them into a vampire.
    • There are EXTREMELY rare vampire hunters that consume the blood of their victims called Immortal Hunters. This gives them vampiric powers and resistance to vampires (as the one whose blood it was is dead). Their blood addiction is nearly as bad as that of the vampires they hunt, though their hunger is only for vampire blood. It also eventually leads to them becoming that which they hate, though they will generally have several centuries of hunting before that happens.
  • Weaknesses: For all their strengths vampires have a plethora of weaknesses.
    • Vampires have an insatiable thirst for blood.
      • Human blood is preferred. Animal blood is much less effective and does not satisfy the vampire's hunger fully, no matter how much is consumed.
      • If they try to control their urges, the blood-thirst can diminish with age. A newly made vampire needs blood daily, older vampires that have worked at resisting the blood-thirst can survive for weeks or months without blood. In rare instances truly ancient vampires only need blood if they need to heal or use their other powers.
    • Vampires quickly burn to dust in the sunlight.
      • Vampires over 2000 years old can slowly acclimate themselves to the sun, and eventual become immune to it deadly effects. While in sunlight, however these vampires still loose all of their powers.
    • Vampires are vulnerable to fire. Their healing works very slowly to repair damage by fire.
    • Vampires burn while on consecrated ground. The religion that consecrates the ground is unimportant.
    • Vampires are similarly affected by consecrated water and objects.
    • Vampires have an aversion to holy symbols of all kinds and to garlic. This causes no damage, but the vampire must be VERY strong to force themselves to approach and / or interact with such things. Consuming garlic will cause the vampire damage.
    • Vampires cannot cross moving water of their own volition, but can be carried across it. This includes the oceans, rivers and streams; but not still bodies of water such as ponds, moats and most swimming pools. Lakes are connected to rivers and are therefore impassible.
    • Vampires cannot enter a person's home without an invitation. Doing so will burn the vampire as if they were on consecrated ground. A vampire forced to enter a person's home AGAINST THEIR WILL does not have this issue, though they must immediately leave if asked to leave, which is not the case if they are invited in.
  • Vampire Death: It is extremely difficult to kill a vampire for good.
    • A stake of ANY KIND through the heart will render the vampire inert until that stake is removed.
    • Decapitation will render the vampire inert unless their head is replaced and allowed to heal.
    • Rendering a vampire to dust by sun, fire, or consecration is almost entirely successful, but if their ashes are mixed with enough blood they will regrow.
    • The only way to truly be rid of a vampire is to render them to ash and scatter the ashes.
  • Things a Vampire Isn't: There are certain things that I do not want to see in a vampire.
    • VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE! Unless they are wearing glitter I guess.
    • Vampires are DEAD. They cannot become pregnant or impregnate others except through powerful magic. This can produce a living vampire . . . which I will detail later if necessary.
    • Vampiric origins are a mystery, even to the vampires. They are not the children of Cain, or Vlad Tepes, or anyone else. They have simply always been.
    • Vampirism is not a viral, bacterial, or prionic infection; or any other scientific condition. Vampirism is purely mystical in nature and defies scientific classification.

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