"Can you explain to us exactly what your imagery represents?"

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Fully Exposed and Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Naked except for sandals
Day, Time Morning, middle of English class
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation Mortified

"I'm sure the class would appreciate if you two could explain for us the imagery that you've used."

"Katie would be happy to!" replied Harper, adding, "She was the one who came up with it!" Katie glanced at her "partner" in frustration.

"I- I... it... was a team effort really."

"Don't be so modest Katie!" Harper stepped closer as she spoke. "I'm not going to take credit for the brilliance inside you..."

Katie cringed as Harper grabbed onto what was sticking out of her asshole then shuddered after it was twisted a quarter turn. Harper patted Katie's shoulder with her other hand.

"...especially when you deserve it so very much!"

"Well, go ahead Katie," urged Mrs. Appleby. "Please enlighten us!"

Katie looked down at the sonnet still in her hand, her mind racing as fast as her stomach was knotting.

"Umm... well I guess... I mean, I'm supposed to be summer."

"Yes dear, I think we all understood that much," nodded Appleby impatiently.

"Your buds," whispered Harper, giving another quarter turn.

"My buds," started Katie reflexively, before realizing just what her buds were. "I mean, my... my breasts..." Katie brought one hand up to point to her bared chest. "...are the buds of May." She searched the sonnet frantically again, trying to find something to take attention off of her budding assets. "Umm, umm... the fire! That was the sun. And it was so hot, that... my clothes burned up?"

Katie was losing Mrs. Appleby with her poor explanation. She looked around the room to see if any of her classmates were buying her story only to realize that many of them had no interest in her explanation. Unless of course they were recording her so that they could transcribe her explanation later. Yeah, that's exactly why...

Mrs. Appleby pursed her lips. "Is that all?"

"No!" shrieked Katie, responding to another rotation in her rear. "No... my body is... the beauty of summer. Even though my beautiful clothes were destroyed," Katie glanced angrily at Harper. "I am just as beautiful without them. And it's only when you see my..." Katie raised her arms up and to the side, timidly showing off her form. "True beauty... that it will live forever, because... now everyone will know..." explained Katie, trailing off.

"So long as men can breath and eyes can see!" Harper cheerfully reminded her. She pushed the object still protruding from Katie's asshole even deeper into her body, as if it were a congratulatory action for a job well done.

Mrs. Appleby nodded in contemplation. "Well it was very brave of you to attempt such an extreme visual interpretation of such a well known sonnet."

"Thanks..." Katie muttered, her face a deep shade of red from her stress and embarrassment.

The mortified teen tried to make her way back to her desk, but:

Harper held her in place.

The other students want to ask some questions.

Mrs. Appleby adds, "However, you can't start a fire in a classroom, Katie. I'm afraid I need to fail your presentation and add this incident to your record."

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