Female spider approaches

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:09, 21 October 2014 by Enkide (Talk | contribs)

As Marine waited in the dark a large female spider and male spider slowly drip down from their silken webbing off the roof of the cave. They soon crawl towards the raccoon before using their talons to speak to one another, as soon as Marine slowly saw them agree the female moved closer to her wrapping her arms in more of the thick layer of silk keeping the raccoon from moving. The raccoon soon flinched knowing she was going to be a goner as she pleads that the poison take her quick and swiftly. However, the Raccoons eyes would soon widen as she felt a thick coating enter her slit as the feeling of something gooey was filling her womb, as she looked down she saw in horror what the spider was doing as Marine screamed in horror of being filled with the female's eggs.

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