A tall pale man looming toward you

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A tall pale man looming over you

You turn around, with your feigned innocence, not expecting what you find. You see a man, tall & pale, as if he had never seen the light of day, looming over you. You open your eyes wide, your happy crying abruptly halted, your face now contains nothing but a look of pure surprise & horror. You swear that you see the man’s odd red eyes glow, illuminating the tombstones in their harsh red light. You look around and somehow there are two more, these red eyed people, staring at you. You are frozen in fear, all the fighting arts training that you received flooding out of your mind. You curse yourself for not believing what your friends said about this place. As you stare at them in cold blooded shock, your brain chooses to remember genotypes & phenotypes along with genetic mutations. As you start to call yourself out on your uselessness, you receive a push to remember from your brain. You remember that some people just have red eyes because of their genes, but you are sure that they do not glow. You then think to yourself about those kids in your classes that wear colour contacts for some reason, perhaps these ones are contacts that glow in the dark? As you debate with yourself you fail to realize the three that the menacing faces were conversing quietly together. You open your mouth, as if to speak several time until you finally make a sound, “Uhhhh.” When you make the odd, small, sound, the three turn towards you expectantly. “Umm are those, uh cool, uh eye things? Contacts! Are they contacts for your eyes?” The three stare at you with blank expressions, almost looking bored, after about 10 agonizing seconds of them staring at you, they return to their private conversation in hushed tones.

They speak with you

You choose to fight them

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