Buy two open crocth panties for faster sex action

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:56, 11 June 2014 by Pooky (Talk | contribs)

You and your sister decide on the open panties knowing how much Kaylee's wanted to get one. Also since you can have sex with out fully undressing. With the bag of panties you and sister head home. At home, after supper and homework, you and Kaylee try the panties on. She says it makes you much more respectful and sexy with that on. It gets late and you think of what to do. Then Nicole calls and asks if you and Kaylee can go to her house tomorrow to meet her parents and have sex. She says Catharine will be there. Knowing what your sister would say, you agree. You hang up and feel your dick harden. You sit on your bed and wonder what to do.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

clothes, bag, cellphone, clothes bag

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Hermaphrodite
Social Group cheerleader
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Kaylee Catharine Nicole
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