D&D: Perhaps you should just jump right into the fray. Ask Lommy if he knows of any contracts for such a talented (and pretty) girl like you

From Create Your Own Story

Despite the risk you decide to take on this world alone. After all, you're not just good looking and cunning, you are also skilled and lucky. What more do you need? It will work out in the end, you're sure of that. It has so far, hasn't it?

After you have finished your breakfast, and the second serving, you slaunder up to the bar behind which Lommy is busy sorting his ales and spirits. You know that every single drop of alcohol he sells he get's from a cousin smuggler of your, down in the Warrens, yet you have no idea how he keeps the guards away. Perhaps it's best if you don't know it. Swining your pretty behind on a bar-stool you grin at him and ask: "Say Lommy my dear, you wouldn't by any chance know of any opportunities for a skilled and pretty girl like me to make some coin?"

"Besides whoring?", he asks with a smirk and then quickly avoids your well-meaning hand just a blink before you can slap him. He chuckles, then he adds: "Actually, I do. There's been a fellow around these days, asking me for any skilled burglars I know. I'm sure you've seen him, young gnome, red boots, colorful cloth. And of course there's always Uncle Essel in the Warrens, he's always on the lookout for talent."

You know Uncle Essel, everyone knows him. He is THE Halfling to go if you want something done discreetly. Someone owes you money? Ask Uncle Essel. Someone has wronged you? Ask Uncle Essel. An older lady is forced out of her home? Uncle Essel will take care of it. Part patron, part crime lord, part business-man, Uncle Essel get's things done. You can imagine what working for him includes and you're not sure that's what you want to do. On the other hand, it wouldn't hurt to have a few more friends in the city.

However, you are also intrigued by the colorful gnome. Yes, you have seen him once or twice, he wasn't bad looking, for a gnome of course. You haven't seen him drink anything, just chat with Lommy and then go again, leaving a few coins on the counter, most likely for information on this or that. You have taken him for a illusionist or trader, but perhaps he was in the same business as you were. Who knows, perhaps you should look up the opportunity.

D&D: What is it this colorful gnome wants? It's certainly worth a look.

D&D: Well, working for Uncle Essel is certainly better than joining the thieves guild. You go and visit him.

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