Unwritten/Chun/Vampire/Crawl to the cave

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You crawl to the cave with the last of your strength and pass out immediately after rolling inside.

You awaken sometime later, your heart beating in your chest. There's the sound of a car speeding away in the direction of the mansion. that's probably what woke you up. Somehow, you feel pretty miserable. Then You remember that you just spend the night in a ditch and that mystery is solved.

A few moments later you fully remember what you went trough at the mansion and you feel even more miserable. No point in wasting time on self-pity though, you need to keep moving before you root down here. You get up slowly, stiff all over. Then you leave the cave. It's bright outside, everything seems to be sparkling and hurting your eyes. Then the feeling of the sun on your skin hits you and makes your skin crawl.

You wonder what's wrong with you for a moment untill you remember the fangs you saw in the mirror. Right. The sun. Vampires are weak to the sun. Sighing, you seek the shadow of the nearby trees. Your skin is still itchy from the sunlight coming trough the trees, but it feels far better than out in the open sun.

Thinking to yourself about the situation you're in, you consider that you're actually pretty lucky. For all you knew the sun could have burned you to a crisp right then and there. Good to know vampire weaknesses are greatly exaggerated in the stories. Besides, things could be worse. If that had been a human creep instead of a vampire one, you'd have died a pathetic death yesterday. Well, in a way.. you did. But you're still around, human or vampire and it's up to you what you make of it.

A Feeling of deppression makes your shoulders sag as you stagger trough the trees. You'd be walking for days if you tried to make it back to the city on foot like this...

You :

Grit your teeth and will yourself to keep walking

Go stand in the shade at the side of the road and try to hitch a ride back to town.

Health 25 Equipment:

Old blouse and skirt

Stamina 30
Morale 10 Inventory:


Money 0$
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