Enter the Thrift Shop Men's Room (TGT)

From Create Your Own Story

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You reach for the handle of the men's room, and are relieved to find that it is unlocked. You quickly go inside and close the door behind you. Now you're in a typical men's room, with one stall in the corner and a sink next to a urinal. You go to the sink and splash some cold water in your face, when you hear a voice from the stall.

"Hello? I need, ugh, I need help!" You turn to see the stall open, revealing an older man who is clearly in a lot of pain. "She... she did something to me!" He was now on his knees, bent over in what appeared to be a ton of pain.

"What can I do?" You rush over to his side, looking if there was any blood or signs of trauma. You find nothing, but you do notice that his clothes are rather loose on him now. He begins screaming as his grey hair begins to lighten into a soft blonde, while at the same time growing faster than hair should. You back up a bit, as a terror grips you and holds you in place. Next the man arches his back, pushing two breasts out from his chest. You notice the new breasts straining against his shirt, eventually popping the top two buttons clear off. Soon he is back on all fours, and you can see his hips swell up and his ass fill out. It's still not enough to hold his jeans up, and they slide off as he jumps to his feet and runs into the stall.

You hear some more screaming coming from the stall, but you are still frozen in place. After a moment, the screaming stops and there is only silence. You try and gather all of your courage to speak, and you're able to simply say "Sir?"

"Help," you hear, but it is no longer the voice of the man you hear, but that of a girl. You walk slowly over to the stall, and are amazed to see a young blonde woman sitting on the toilet seat. "What happened to me?" Her big blue eyes are full of confusion, but then you look down and notice that she has no pants on.

"You're, um, pants..."

"Oh my God!" She quickly covers herself and begins talking very fast. "That girl out there said this ring would make me younger, not a girl! I think my wife was cheating on me so I wanted to make myself more attractive for her... I never thought... You need to help me! My name is Glenn, and I need to get back to my hotel, or the police station!" You don't really hear the girl, as your eyes were drawn to her massive cleavage. You know that moments ago this young beauty was a man, but right now she's all woman. "So, can you help me?"

"Hotel or Police Station... sure..."

Where do you take her?

Name Craig
Sex Male
Location Thriftshop Men's Room
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