Amber Route2:Waits to counter the wolf

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:23, 19 April 2014 by Feetlovingdog (Talk | contribs)

Amber waits to counterattack the wolf but quickly finds herself outdone by it's speed, it gets in a lucky attack damaging her helmet. -1 Armour

Amber attacks the wolf with a quick lunge in return, the wolf gets cut and backs away yelping as the pain surges throughout it's body. It then begins to stagger as blood drips out of it's side before it collapses, Amber then puts her sword away before giving a deep sigh.

"Just like training." She said to herself.

Amber then begins to walk around the wolf's corpse to find out the cause of the loud booming, she walks through the slightly rocky, upward path for around 5 minutes and much to her surprise finds what looks like a large rock having crashed into the ground. She begins to descend the rocky hill when something catches her eye, it was a large green goblin-like creature which seemed to be wearing a hat of some kind.

"Is that a goblin of some kind?" She asks herself trying to stay quiet.

It then begins to inspect the rock and much to it's and Amber's surprise the rock splits and inside is an unconscious silver haired woman, the large Goblin creature seems to a liking to her and lifts the girl before turning around and begins to head backwards into a forest which he most likely hailed from.

"Wait!" Amber yelled before rushing to the girl's aid.

The large Goblin creature notices her presence and pulls out a horn before blowing it like a whistle which calls out a pair of green goblins from behind the thicket of trees. He runs into the forest as they block your path.

Amber then

Amber Route:Fights the Goblin pair

Amber Route:Flees the goblin pair

Amber's Status: Normal
Stamina 5
Amour 5 Equipment:skirt, boots, chest plate, white bra, white panties
Dignity 4
Virgin Yes
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