Say, "Hello?" (guy or herm version

From Create Your Own Story

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"Hello." Says a voice that is very masculine and handsome.

"I am communicating to you from my home, far away. You are in your own furry world. When you are in this world, the time in your other world stops. As you may have noticed it is just a field, but this is your sancuary. You can create anything here. But beyond those gates, on the edge of the field, brings you to a world, inhabited by furries, like me. Here, you can create all and any kinds of furries you want, and command them to do anything you want."

"But," she says, "if that's not enough you can exit the boundries. But be warned, the furry civilization is completley different from what you're used to. They have different laws and rules, and sex in their world is as common as eating in your world. We are a much more agressive civilization as well. But if you must, I won't stop you."

"Oh, and one more thing, there are four gates. One to the North, East, South, and West. They all lead to different places. South leads back to your home, exactly the way you left it. But with a red button underneath your pillow. If you are on your bed and press this button, you will return here as often as you please. Now, for the other three gates, those you will have to figure out yourself if you choose to disobey my warning..." The word "warning" echoes away and you can tell she has left...Well, whattayagonnado?

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