Downfall/Debra, Will's younger sister

From Create Your Own Story

You straighten your hair one last time. You're going on vacation,and you intend to look good. You are a natural red-head, like your mother, a fact you hated until recently. When you were a kid, other kids made fun of you due to your hair color. Being called a ginger was one of the less insulting things you were called. Lately though, guys and even girls compliment you on your hair, and Samantha, your BFF, told you she heard that some of the cheerleaders envy you. One even allegedly said that it was the type of hair that made men involuntary ask themselves how it would look draped on a pillow. That made you and Sam snicker, and of course you had to try and see how it looked. Oh, and the look on Sam's face and what happened then...

But you have to get ready to leave. It's hot outside; summer has arrived. You are what some people call 'petite'. Kirsten has bigger boobs than you, but you are not unhappy. Your breasts are firm and don't need support yet. You can go without wearing a bra, a great feature on a hot summer's day (no sweaty strap around your chest). How are you dressed?

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