FOTR/the Ring is at the Gray Havens

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Sauruman plans to take over the fleet at Umbar, sailing west around the jutting peninsulas to attack the elven marine stronghold. By laying waste to the Gray Havens, he plans to uncover and claim the ring. Gandalf has to keep playing along, aiding Sauruman on the journey. Before leaving Orthanc, Sauruman uses the Palntir to communicate with Sauron one more time. Gandalf and Sauruman briefly discuss and agree upon what will be communicated just before Saurman activates the crystal sphere.


What should Gandalf and Sauruman tell Sauron?

  • That the ring is at the Gray Havens - and, they offer to leave the Palantir at Orthanc (so that Sauron will know as soon as the reinforcements have arrived).
  • They tell Sauron about their upcoming journey to the Gray Havens to seek the ring, but offer to take the Palantir with them. Sauron agrees with the plan - so, the Palantir goes south.
  • Gandalf suggests that Sauron send his own ships and soldiers to then gray havens, so that he and Sauruman can defend the Gap of Rohan. He secretly tells the Dark Lord that Sauruman covets the ring, whcih motivates Sauron to retrive it with his own forces. It takes time, but Sauron and a great host board ships set sail for the Gray Havens, departing from Morder.

On the way south, Sauruman activates his sleeper agent in king Theoden's court - Grima Wormtounge. With none of the three hunters there to stop him, Wormtoung assassinates Theoden and flees to join Sauruman and Gandalf. Gandalf has no way of knowing that Theoden is dead - Wormtounge only tells Sauruman, because he does not trust Gandalf. Sauruman, Wormtounge, Gandalf, and the massive Uruk-hai army continue the journey south towards the ships.

With the power of both of their rings, Sauruman and Gandalf easily turn the navy to their side. The Uruks board the ships, and they all begin the long journey to the Gray Havens. Along the journey, Gandalf continuously manipulates Wormtounge - essentially turning him against Sauruman, while slowly driving him mad. When the ships finally reach the Gray Havens, Gandalf has warned the elven forces and initiated a plan that should lead to Sauruman's death and the destruction of his army. Unfortunately, Gandalf failed to appreciate the fighting prowess of the Uruk-hai - once ashore, they devastate the ranks of elven soldiers defending the port city. The elben ships are destrpoyed and Cirdan himself is killed, ending the life of one of the oldest beings in Middle-earth. After Wormtounge has assassinated Sauruman, Gandalf breaks his staff and releases the spell on the Navy. Gandalf convinces them to fire on the Uruks, which finishes off the Uruks and saves the Gray Havens from utter destruction. With Cirdan and the ships gone, the elves of Middle-earth no longer have a means of passage to the undying lands - which means they are doomed to live forever in a world that is becoming more and more hostile. Elrond and Galadriel blame Gandalf for this loss, and sever all ties with him. With no valhalla to look forward to, the elves of Mirkwood and Lorien become hostile - and they begin a coordinated attack on Mordor.


What should Gandalf do?

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