User talk:Akibahara

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:53, 4 April 2014 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome aboard. I do welcome contributions from others, but I'm not actively recruiting. The story grows as I add to it, or as others contribute. Some others stick to particular corners of it, others add a page here, a page there... It's all welcome, as long as the contributions use proper grammar and punctuation and keep all choices in second person, e.g., things that you as the main character can choose as your next action.

The story is structured so that paths continuously diverge and converge. For the most part, completed level 1 paths either come to an ending or come to the same set of choices: going to the library, the gym, or the park. Those choices lead into level 2, where the paths diverge again, until you either come to an ending or to the dance studio. The dance studio is where level 3 starts. It may seem complex at first, but read through enough different paths and it becomes clear. --Platypus 02:08, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Notes from Dirty Me

Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.

Please also note, when you create a page on Smutty Sex Romp, you need to make sure you have the status bar. Perhaps you should look over the other pages first, and read over the Tutorial. --Dirty Me 07:42, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

It's all welcome, as long as the contributions use proper grammar and punctuation. Verb tenses matter. Punctuation with dialogue matters. I have very high grammatical standards. If you can't handle that, please post in someone else's story, or create your own. --Platypus 09:21, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

I appreciate your continued interest in contributing. I suggest you start by contributing to someone else's story, someone with lower standards than mine, or create your own story. Show me that you can write using proper grammar and punctuation. I will delete anything I dislike from my own stories. I have nothing against collaborating with other writers, but it isn't collaborating if I have to edit every other word in someone's contributions. --Platypus 16:52, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

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