A little Chinese story/Story Begin

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So, now we know the title of the story: 中(Zhōng)國(guó)短(duǎn)篇(piān)小(xiǎo)說(shuō), or "Chinese Short Stories", which I have named "A little Chinese story".

Next, we want to learn who you, the reader, is.

Our next options will be "我是男人" or "我是女人".

First, we will start with the two characters that are seen at the beginning of both, 我 and 是.

我(wǒ), is the Chinese pronoun for "Me" or "I". These are self related pronouns, but only for one person. We need to add more for pronouns for "I" and other people. We will avoid that for right this second.

是(shì) is the Chinese word for "Is", "Am", "Are", etc. It is also the word for "Was", and "were", and even "will be". So, basically, this is the "be" verb.

We put these together, and we get 我(Wǒ)是(shì), so something like "I am". Since this is a CYOA, can you guess what is next?

Before we move to 男 and 女, lets go over the next word that is the same in each one. 人.

人(rén) means person.

So, lets start with the first option, 男(nán). This means Male in English. When we put 男(Nán) and 人(rén) together, we get 男(Nán)人(rén), or male person. We want to make sure we use the male together with the person so we do not confuse people on what we are calling them. After all, there are also male dogs, cats, birds, etc.

So, as you can probably guess, 女(nǚ) is a female person.

When we put them together, we get 我(wǒ)是(shì)男(nán)人(rén) or 我(wǒ)是(shì)女(nǚ)人(rén), "I am a man(boy/male)" or "I am a woman(girl/female)".

So, which are you?

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