Plead with them to explain what is going on

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:14, 8 February 2014 by Seth Xozen (Talk | contribs)

Looking at their faces you know your best chance

You*:'Look i do not know what is going on and though i don't really know most of you, were neighbors so please l explain whats going on, that is all I'm asking.

Some of the officer shuffle around as thinking but the apparently the leader comes to his senses.

Officer1*:'There have been reports of people going mad attacking one another caused by so new disease. People are saying Zombie.


Officer1*: 'No sir we are not waiting around here talking and wasting time; aren't taking any risks' he said slightly raising his voice.'Sorry' he said in a lower voice.

The officer is about to say something else when a scream is herd from where the paramedic was . You look over to see The paramedic attacking, looks like biting, some guy and the patient he was working rushing toward some other people. The officer panic and stare in shock at the scene at first while the man attacks a group of people. He bites a few people before the police react and head over a shoot the crazed man.They head over to the paramedic and shoot him as well. When they are walking back however, some of the people who had bitten by one of the crazed men rush at the officers. They didn't even see them coming and some are lost before the officers knew what was happening. They tried valiantly to try and fight the horde off, shooting and running at the same time. The few officers who had stayed by the weapons jump in the cars about too abandoning their fellow officers. One of the officers in the car tells you you can with them but they are leaving now. You can't believe what is happening.

do you:

Go in the car with officers

Go help the other officers

Run off in a direction leaving everyone to tier own fates

Xozen Life
Health Healthy Equipment:

Companions none
Food {{{Food}}}
Range Weapons {{{Range Weapons}}}
Melee Weapons {{{Melee Weapons}}}
State {{{State}}}

(JA)* means just acquired

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