Mitch invites Professor Abbie Smith in for a cup of coffee

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As Professor Smith started to walk away, Mitch turned to her. "Hey Abbie," he called down the hall. "Want to come in for a cup of coffee?"

She turned back to Mitch. "That's Professor Smith to you, young man. And sure. I'd be delighted."

Professor Smith turned back and Mitch opened the door to his apartment for her. She walked in and sat herself down on the leather couch. Mitch walked over to the coffee maker, put in a filter, filled the filter with fresh grounds, poured in 4 cups of water, and hit the button. The coffee maker slowly came to life and begin to gurgle with drips of delicious, morning caffeine.

Suddenly, Mitch's hangover decided to remind him of its existence. His head pounded as the sun started to creep through his fourth floor window. He reached on top of his refrigerator for his vitamins, and popped a C. He downed it with a glass of water and turned to Professor Smith. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"No actually," she responded as she flipped through emails on her iPhone. "I was going to get some on campus."

"I'll whip up my hangover breakfast. Nothing beats eggs and bacon."

Professor Smith's ears perked up. "Did you say eggs and bacon?"

"I did indeed."

"You better not fuck them up. That is my favorite breakfast."

Mitch smiled and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a carton of eggs and a packet of bacon. Professor Smith got up from the couch and walked over to Mitch's kitchen bar, which overlooked the living room. She leaned on it and watched as Mitch reached into a drawer and pulled out a large knife, slicing open the packet of bacon. He grabbed a pan from the sink and put it on the stove, heating it up before putting on the bacon. It began to sizzle as the smell of pork filled the air.

Soon the bacon was ready. Mitch grabbed some tongs and removed the bacon from the pan, leaving the grease. He tossed the bacon in the toaster to keep it warm. He began to prepare the eggs, cracking them effortlessly in a glass bowl and tossing the egg shells in the trash without a drop spilling on the floor. He added in a dab of milk, some salt, pepper, and thyme. Professor Smith licked her lips, she was getting hungry.

The coffee maker hissed. With one hand, Mitch grabbed two mugs and placed them down on the bar, while he stirred the eggs with the other. With the eggs stirred, he poured them onto the bacon grease as they quickly started to scramble up. He grabbed the coffee pot and poured two cups. "How do you like your coffee?" he asked her.

"Black," she replied and took a sip.

"Ditto." He drank with her. The eggs smelled finished. He turned off the stovetop, split the eggs evenly between two plates, and took two pieces of bacon out of the toaster for each of them. He handed her a plate. "Happy breakfast!" he exclaimed. She gave him a funny look.

"What the fuck is happy breakfast?"

"Oh, well, it's like a happy ending only... with... break... fast..."

She paused as she picked up a piece of bacon. "So what you're telling me is that this bacon is like... a handjob?"

"Um, well, no, I..."

"I'm kidding!" she shouted. "Totally kidding." She lipped her licks, took the bacon, held it under her mouth, and licked it seductively. Mitch watched as he drank his coffee and began to feel a tingling in his pants. Professor Smith wrapped her lips around the bacon and took a bite. She looked at him and winked.

"Is, uh... is it good?"

"Mmm so good," she responded. They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, but she kept looking at him and smiling. Mitch couldn't keep his eyes off her thin white blouse. He could tell she had a small red bra on underneath. He looked down at his coffee. Back at her blouse. All it would take is one... little...

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