Remove the knife from the father's hand, trying not to hurt him

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:28, 31 January 2014 by Kanin452 (Talk | contribs)

You walk slowly towards the father. He looks puzzled at your actions. He was probably anticipating you either charging at him or fleeing.

While he's still giving you a bewildered stare, you reach down and, as gently as you can, pry the knife out of his grasp. You toss it behind you and stand before the frightened family.

"I have no ill intent," you say. "I merely wish to make to make one of you my mate. Preferably, this one." you say, pointing at the eldest daughter.

The girls eyes widen in fear at your words and hides behind her father.

Still looking confused, the father speaks. "You... aren't here to kill us, and steal our food? I've never heard of an orc who asked for something before. They usually just take things."

"Yes that is true, most of the time. But my mother taught me to be polite, so," you say with a laugh.

The mother joins the conversation. "Honey, we can't let this monster defile our little girl."

The father becomes quiet, carefully thinking about the situation. "But if we don't hand her over, he'll probably just take her anyway, and... maybe even you and the kids too."

"But, Mathilda is just a child! How do we know this monster won't just eat her!"

"I can assure you, ma'am, I would never harm such a beautiful woman." So the female child's name is Mathilda. Quite a lovely name.

The father speaks again. "Where would you live?"

"Honey!" the mother screams in protest.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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