Female strapped to bed. No holes barred.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:02, 11 October 2013 by Humphry67 (Talk | contribs)

You mistakenly choose the first one again thinking you were choosing to be pampered.

It is the most popular choice, second to rape.

Fat midgets enter, ten of them, four have lassoos. you try to elude them but are painfully pulled down a palm tree, your shins bleeding slightly. Hands are everywhere, groping you, as per usual, little pervs.

In no time you're loosely strapped to the bed, nude.

The boys walk in and are led to a T.V., glancing your way. You can't see what's on the T.V. as its not facing your way. You watchas the midgets start removing the boys clothing, groping them, holding an ass cheek, cupping someones balls, all non-chalant like it was normal.

"Isn't that illegal," you think.

You hear the T.V. sounds, boys egging one another on. A woman trying to reason with them. Some struggling, then screaming, painful screaming, lots of grunting, "Oh, that's good." "Come on. You can fit too." "Oh yeah."

The flick ends and the boys walk towards you naked, cocks ridged, swaying. You're afraid. They look at you like you're a piece of meat. You begin to cry.

The biggest of them climbs up on you. You could resist. The soft restraints are slack. You could fight, but you let him push you on your back, straddling you chest, sitting on your tits and shoving his drooling cock in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat.

Somone else spreads your legs and pulls at your loose cunt lips, stretching them - laughter.

"Lick her so she's wet." someone says.

There's some laughing and struggling, someone falls on your legs. A face is forced in your crotch, "OK, ok, I'll do it. Done it before, its kinda good, and fuck, look how awesome this cunt is."

The cock in your mouth bumps at the back of your mouth.

Hands touch your thighs and a mouth covers your pussy and sucks on your meaty flaps. He sucks on them a while and then licks deep. It works. It feels good and your juices flow. He sems to enjoy it as he licks and sucks for a while longer.

"She ready?"

"Yeah. She's wet"

The cock in your mouth goes ridged and then shoots a big load. It sits on your tongue when he's done. You swallow it all.

The scruffiest of the group says, "Lets do it." and gets on the bed. "Hold her up."

Two of them bend a leg back each and lift your bum from the bed. The scruffy guy slides under you. Another packs pillow behind him propping him up and your cunt is lowered onto his cock. He pulls you back onto him and another gets in position, straddling his friend and forces his cock in your tight cunt with his friend's. It hurts at first. Then they start reciprocating, two cocks pumping in and out of your pussy. It feels amazing.

Your eyes close. Someon climbs behind you and coaxes your head back. You open your mouth and feel a wet-knobbed cock bumped your nose and then go in your welcoming mouth and down your throat, his nuts resting on your nose. Three of the five cocks pump in and out of you. Someone grabs your hand and guides it to his cock. You stroke it a couple of times and then feel his bag, fondling his nuts while he masterbates.

The one standing, fucking your cunt keeps telling his buddy how much he loves his cock sliding against his. He doesn't last long and burries his cock deep and unloads in you.

He leaves, having also inseminated you.

You're put on your hands and knees. Scruffy is under you. He pulls you down, spreading your knees apart until he can access your cunt, slides back in and resumes fucking. You start moving in unison, enjoying it. Someone slathers lube on your ass, pushing a finger in your anus. He lubes his buddie's cock, laughing and next you feel his cock poking your pucker. He lays on your back and whispers, "relax."

You relax and with a bit of pain he slides in and starts thrusting slowly, moaning in pleasure. He feels huge.

Scruffy buries his cock deep and erupts in you. He slides out of your cunt, out from under you and leaves, insemination complete.

They each end their turn, emptying in your slimy cunt, and you're pregnant again... and this time no longer a virgin


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