Run out the open door

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:23, 29 September 2013 by Humphry67 (Talk | contribs)

Gathering your wits, you notice the open door leading to a dark passageway and possible freedom. Runk is snoring, meaning he is alive and may wake and desire to use his massive battering-ram of a cock on your soft virgin tenderness. You scramble to your feet and attempt to leap over his arm and cock in one bound but your bare foot slips in his drool. You land on his arm and fall on his belly, bouncing off and sprawling across his cock with your face planted right on his massive nut sack. It smells so nice.

You consciously feel his cock as you push yourself back up. You take one look at its magnificence before running through the door. You momentarily can't see, going from the bright viewing room to the dark corridor and run right into a short stout soft person. Strong hands grab both your wrists. Your eyes adjust and you notice you are surrounded by eight short fat naked bald men. Their cocks dangle limp, but are an impressive size. Does everything here have a big cock, you wonder.

You feel something touch you just above your knees and look down to see the fat midgets erection. He gives one of your arms to one of the others and you turn to him to see his cock immediately begin quickly growing after grabbing your arm.

Hands grab you ankles and your lifted off the floor, eventually suspended belly up by the four. You struggle and scream at them but they ignore you and are quite strong. The other four surround you. Anywhere you look cocks are jutting towards you. Two have retrieved scissors from somewhere and begin cuttig off your lingere and in moments you're nude. Chubby little hands begin roaming your body. Cocks poke and rub against you.

Magnificence The one holding your arms foot kicks

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