ANH:A diuretic

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:17, 5 September 2013 by Gantron (Talk | contribs)
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After you press the proper buttons on the interrogation droid's control panel, it floats ominously toward the princess, who shifts in a vain attempt to escape, a look of horror on her face. She obviously hates needles very much.

Quick as lightning, the telescoping arm of the syringe appendage spears the princess in her left buttock and injects a dark yellow substance into her.

"Nooo..." she whimpers knowing what's about to happen.

In a few moments, she clamps her legs together and looks pleadingly at you. "Could you send the stormtroopers out? I have to pee!"

"No," you reply sternly, "You will hold it until you reveal the location of the stolen plans."

"Oh, darn it," the princess exclaims. "I will have to use the toilet in front of you."

Red-faced, she pigeon-walks to the toilet and sits down, while the interrogation droid's camera appendage snaps photographs to be distributed throughout the empire.

"As terrible as that is," she says, "I will still not tell you anything!"

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Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
A New Hope

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