Try to use your cyanide capsule

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:30, 12 August 2013 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You bite down on your cyanide cap...

It's not there.

"Looking for this?" sneers one of the torturers, holding up your cyanide capsule. He laughs sadistically in your face as your shoulders slump. "We are experts at this, unlike those simpleton soldiers who searched you at the checkpoint. A cyanide capsule is one of the first things we look for. So now...let's get down to business."

You are alternately put through the various torture devices and gang-raped (vaginally, orally, and anally) by your captors. You hold out for as long as you can, but finally it becomes too much and you break down, telling them everything, including about the data drive hidden in your boot.

Knowing you have failed, you wait for the terrorists to kill you, but instead they decide to sell you into sex slavery. Ordinarily you would resist, but because of the horrific torture you have been through you have been broken physically and, more importantly, mentally as well. A Saudi prince buys you for $2 million and you spend the rest of your life as a sex slave to the prince and whichever "guests" he's entertaining, a soulless and shattered shell of the woman you once were.


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