Head down into the drinks cellar

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'I came out here for a drink, and that's just what I'm gonna get!' Jezzi thought to herself as she stepped towards the drinks cellar with a determination borne from the thick, cloying heat of the house, and her own nagging feeling of dehydration. They normally stored pitcher jugs down with the barrels, so there wasn't any need to grab one from above which was intentional for safety reasons. Since sometimes, unlike tonight, she was in the home by herself and needed to be able to retrieve liquid refreshment from below, so a special set of rungs had been added.

They didn't keep a latch on the cellar door, trusting in its weights and gravity to keep it closed, and it wasn't like a simple draw bolt would keep it secure if someone managed to gain entry to the house. Like most doors, it was operated by a large iron ring, but this one was built into a recess so that it couldn't be accidently tripped on, which Jezzi was thankful for at this time - less chance of catching it wrong in the dark, and twisting her ankle.

Scooping the ring up out of its recess, Jezzi gave it a hefty tug, making sure that she was bent over the trap door rather than standing on top of it. At first it didn't budge, but with an audible creek it hinged open, the iron hinges grinding against each other in a way that sounded all too loud in the dark quiet of the kitchen. Gritting her teeth, and hoping that the noise didn't wake anyone else up, she braced herself and gave one last tug, pulling the hatch open, and the letting it fall slightly back and rest against the worktop. Entry was hers!

Her perseverance had been rewarded, and the extra sweat that had broken out across her form as she had tugged with slick hands was a minor inconvenience as the waft of cold air rushed up to fill the room, mixing with the stuffy air of the kitchen and bringing instant relief. Jezzi knew that she would need to be quick in getting down there, lest too much of the hot, cloying air mix with the cold, fresh air below. It was also very dark down there - far too dark for Jezzi to make out anything, let along able to get herself the right drink.

Jezzi decides to...

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