Get a drink and wait out the night

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The heat had almost become oppressive in Jezzi's room, and she could feel beads of sweat begin to roll down her skin agonisingly slowly. Deciding that enough was enough, but not willing to throw open the window due to her lingering doubts about what could be outside in the dark, she instead decided to rehydrate herself with a good drink of water.

Prizing herself off of her sheets, she walked barefoot around her room toward her oaken door. The rugs that lined the floor of her room were made from bear fur - a gift from her father from his days as a hunter of beasts, and even now her feet sank into the fine, soft bristles as she walked. They would normally be more springy than they felt now, and Jezzi put it down to the air in her room causing them to welt. The iron ring on the latch of her door felt reassuringly cool against her hand as she rached out and grasped it, turning it to release the catch, and let the door swing outward. Light shone in to her room, but it was not the light of the moon, or the warm yellow glow of candles that met her, but rather the cups of luminous fungi they they kept for times such as this, when it was too dangerous to leave a flame unattended, or the shutters unbolted.

The air outside her room was just as warm as that inside, but with a free flow it felt far less stuffy. Jezzi let out a breath she has been unconciously holding in as her bare feet transitioned from warm fur to cool flagstones, sending a feeling of releif shooting up her legs, even if it was both shortlived, and not nearly as cool as she would have preferred.

'Just need a jusg of water to see me through', she thought to herself as she made her way through the house and into it's modest kitchen. Like the rest of the house, the air was warm and stuffy without the cooling effect of the night breeze rushing through the halls and bringing the much-needed cooling feeling. It was simply made, with wooden worktops, a washing bowl and large cooking spit built into one wall. Some simple wooden shelves held plates of both wood and iron, along with a selection of carving and serving tools. It wasn't as large as the people said that they had in Wild Heath, but she liked to think that it was good enough. At least her father and mother seemed to think so, stubbonly refusing to trade for more, and only replace those that became useless.

In the corner of the room were two trapdoors that lead down into a pair of cellars. One led to the larder, where their supplies of salted meats and vegetables were kept, while the other stored various barrels of liquid refreshments. Both were far cooler than the rooms of the house as they had been dug into the earth, and any heat that penetrated from above was quickly leached out through the cobblestone walls.

Glancing to the large sturdy door that lead from the kitched to the world outside, another thought struck Jezzi. 'I could just head to the well, get a drink, and cool off outside all in one go' she thought to herself. It was an enticing thought, and her fears of being spotted outside in little more than her underwear were allayed by the darkness, and that no-one would be awake at this hour.

Where should she go?

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