
From Create Your Own Story

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You decide you should go to Neil's house. You can't even begin to figure out why you came to that conclusion, but you did anyway. Eventually you find yourself in his front door. You halfheartedly try to find the doorbell, and give it a ring. It takes some time for the door to get answered and you even consider [going back and choosing some other house but for some reason you feel this choice is best.

The door opens finally and Neil is on the other side... he gives you a quick once over and says "I don't believe you have my notebook this time." with the straightest of faces.

"No, I... I just need your help...", your start, but he seems to have noticed something...

"Come in", he said and pulled you by your wrist, which isn't how you thought he would react. He locks the door behind you, and goes on to sit on a chair beside the dining table... "Use the tap in the kitchen to rise that blood off your mouth, I think there are some tissues in there as well. When you're done you can come and sit by me to tell me the situation, if you want to." He then goes on to read a book in some other language, might be his native one.

He's right, there are some strands of skin and blood lodged between your teeth, your whole mouth went numb when you bit off your old man's balls. You thoroughly rinse your mouth and once done go and sit opposite to Neil.

"So what's your problem?"

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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