Talk:Furry World

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:33, 19 January 2013 by Finisher (Talk | contribs)

I was wondering if anyone still read this story, I could use some feedback as well. I'm pretty sure that my writing, but I'd like to hear peoples opinion. I'm the one who's been working on the Male Feline. If anyone wants me to, I WILL write for the story path they want. I do do requests Wolvesatyourdoor 6/29/10 2:09 A.M. PST

Hey this is mobby123 so far iv read most of the paths including the male feline the writing itself is good but the whole gay thing isnt my style no offence but anyways i was wondering if you could finish a branch of the male fox thank you

I'll try my hand at working on the female fox line, however, I won't be able to work on it until I either get my old laptop up and running or get a new one. No definite dates yet, but will hopefully be able to work on it by the end of summer. HellFyreBastion- Wednesday, April 25, 2012 P.S. I'll do my best to update this when I make progress on the laptop deal

Thanks for the response I would do it myself but I'm crap at writing :P from mobby123

Well it seems that I'm not the only one who still goes on here. I can't believe it's been two years since I made that first message. I definitely need to start doing some kind of work on here Wolvesatyourdoors

I might throw my paw at working at a few of the branches when i have some spare time, which is not much but i will give what i can to help make this story more enjoyable. Shomet

Uhm...just realized I could easily edit on this...duh... HellFyreBastion- August 2nd, 2012 P.S. I think I've gotten most of the laptop funds together, so that should make it easier to write more P.P.S. All pages I'm working on will say: "Template: HFB working on", so please don't edit those.

Gonna start working on the female rabbit line to kill some time since its pretty much been abandoned since someone created it. If you can do better dialogue, be my guest. -645645

I've been reading stories on the site for a couple months now and I figured I can contribute. I'm expanding the male horse section right now. I'm open to any suggestions on my work. -Finisher 12.4.2012

Hey can i edit the male dragon section as im thinking that may need more info on it. Thx and you can change it if you dont like it.

13/01/13: It's Gr33NSTL here, just saw this post on Reddit. No way that I'm not absolutely all over this. I'll first read everything else, and then I'm gonna just go crazy. I've been looking for a writing outlet, and BOOM! One just threw itself in my face. It's about to get real, friends. -Gr33NSTL EDIT: My plan now is to just read all the storylines, and I'm going to write every page I come to that hasn't been done or started by someone else. I'll leave a few options, and once I've gone down every path, I'll start again from the top. Get some variety, and keep things moving in all directions.

Cool beans, Gr33NSTL. I'm working on male equine a couple of times a week, but it would be fun to try to expand on things someone else writes. Maybe we could have a back and forth on a couple of story lines. I'll leave your work, but I edit for grammar when I notice. Hope you do the same. -Finisher 1.19.2013

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