3)"Hey Blake you wanna take the lead?"

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:31, 1 January 2013 by ReelerFilm (Talk | contribs)

Blake grins and pulls out his flashlight before slowly descending the dirt covered stone steps to the cellar. Once at the door he grabs the latch and pulls. The door was unlocked.

"It looks like they forgot to lock it" said Blake scanning the room as you and Jessica made you way down.

No sooner had you reach the last step. Something coarse and black lunged at of the darkness at Blake. Before you or Jessica could do anything the cat raked across the face leaving a bloody wound.

Blake screamed in pain and pushed past you to get back outside. Your friend's screams rouse the neighboring houses from their sleeps as the occupants; frightened men and woman come out of their homes to investigate.

You realize that the jig is up. You and Jessica help the injured Blake and flee into the night defeated.

The EndEndings

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