Wdyw/Well-established gaming company

From Create Your Own Story

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You take the job at the well-known, large gaming company. It has a competitive starting salary and you are excited to be working at a place that produced some of your favorite games. You are starting at the bottom of the totem pole but know that you can work your way up in time. You put in the hours and your manager starts to take notice of your work. After a few months, you are put on a new project for their newest game. You get a raise and keep chipping away at your hefty student loans. At this point, you still owe $160,000. The new project is a sequel to one of there best sellers, a football game that rivals the Madden series. You don't know to much about football, but you study up to learn what you can. Several months later, the game gets released and sales are great. The company makes a nice profit and gets favorable reviews. You get a small promotion and another raise. You haven't met the head of the company yet since it is so large. You are only one of thousands of employees at this one location. Sometimes you feel like just a little cog in a much bigger machine, but you are determined and want to show your talent. Soon your manager puts together a group to brainstorm new game ideas and he chooses you. You definitely feel honored and promise to do your best.

At the group meeting everyone is throwing out ideas, but nothing great is coming to you. You keep thinking and come up with a Grand Theft Auto type idea or a rugby game to compare with the football game's success. Which one do you suggest or do you just stay quiet?

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