Wdyw/Yancy Jr.

From Create Your Own Story

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You want to make her happy and can see how much she wants to name her Yancy Jr. so you agree. Your daughter is born and her birth certificate reads Yancy Jr. You are sad, but after seeing her beautiful face you realize how much a name doesn't matter. She is the light of your life and even if she was named Hairy Butthole you would still love her...(would you?). You go back to office work in order to provide a better life for your girls, and no matter how much you hate the meaningless work you will do anything so Yancy Sr. doesn't have to work. Time passes and soon Yancy Jr is in middle school. She gets teased daily because of her name, but she is too afraid to tell her mom or you because she knows her mom will be hurt. The other kids laugh at every roll call, even teachers laugh and she has to suffer that embarrassment every class period. She has one friend, and everyone else teases her. You and Yancy Sr. don't notice because she tries so hard to hide it at home. She pretends to have lots of friends, although you have only ever seen one. However, you never suspect anything.

High school comes and things haven't gotten better, much worse in fact. The teasing has evolved into bullying. Young Yancy is scared just walking through the halls as the other kids throw pencils, rocks, and the likes at her. She can't understand why. Its not like she had any input in the name she was given, they should be beating up her parents not her. She is opening her locker one Wednesday, and a kid chucks a brick at her when she isn't looking. It comes into contact with her head and she is knocked unconscious. The kid stands there like a deer in headlights as a teacher grabs him by the collar and calls for help. Yancy Jr. is collapsed into her locker and the paramedics pull her out. She has lost a lot of blood, and the paramedics say her pulse is weak. You get a call on your cell phone from a number you don't recognize, but ignore it since you are in a meeting at the moment. Yancy Jr. is being operated on and the doctors don't have a lot of hope. Yancy gets a call and rushes to the hospital as soon as possible. She falls to the ground upon seeing the seemingly lifeless body of her daughter on the operating table. She can barely muster the power to call you from her phone. You see Yancy calling and pick up since she knows not to call you at work. You can't make out what she is saying between her loud gasps and crys, but you hear hospital and rush out the door. You arrive to see your wife in a paralyzed state in the waiting room. It takes a nurse coming over to explain to you what happened. Then you go through the same stages of shock and pain as your wife did an hour earlier until soon you both are sitting statues.

Yancy Jr's surgeon walks out with a poker face and you stand as he approaches. You try and read his face, but it is obvious he has done this many times before and know how not give away anything. He says the surgery was a success and your daughter is stable. You breathe a sigh of relief. Then, he states that Yancy Jr. will likely never be the same, that she might have permanent brain damage. You and your wife go to her room where she is hooked up to a tangled mess of tubes and wires. Where is that beautiful face that you saw when she was born? You force yourself to look at her despite your urge to look away and deny her existence. After three days, she finally wakes up. She says your name but can't remember your wife's or her own for that matter and maybe for good reason. After a two years of rigorous therapy she is finally released and back to almost her old self. You call her by her middle name, now she is Roberta.

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