Wdyw/Try to get released

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It is very unlikely that you will get released since it hasn't happened in the past 40 years, but you have to try. You follow every prison rule, accept any job, volunteer for any task, and help wherever and whenever needed. The warden begins to notice you and calls you to his office. He asks what you are in here for and you explain your story. He listens then asks you to leave. You are disheartened but continuing being the perfect prisoner for the two years. He calls you to his office again and asks why. Your simple reply is so you can see your kids grow up. Once again, he makes you leave. You punch the walls in your cell but keep faith and continue your duties. It is another year before he calls you in again. He commends your service, but lets you know he has no plans to let you out earlier than specified. You are on the verge of tears, but keep your composure. At this point, nothing will stop you. You have now been in prison for six years and your kids are getting older by the day. The prison is getting more and more populated, there is less space and violence is increasing. You get a cellmate named Reese. He killed his father who was abusing his mother. He doesn't regret it and you can see why. The two of you spend hours upon hours together and suddenly you two are friends, best friends. He makes the days bearable and follows your example and becomes a great prisoner. You guys become known as the dream team by other prisoners and the guards because of your good work.

You know almost every worker in the place and get treated better than average because of your help. At meals you sometimes get an extra scoop of mashed potatoes or a few extra cubes of Jell-O. You get an extra jumpsuit from the laundry crew and never get put on bathroom cleaning duty by the janitorial staff. Soon, other inmates begin to take notice of this preferential treatment. Reese is a big guy and gives you good protection and the guards are on your side. You feel fairly safe, but know to never let your guard down.

It has been ten years since you first entered the prison, and the warden still won't budge. The prison is getting very crowded at this point, but nobody is getting released early. You and Reese are in the gym pumping iron during free time. A new guy sits at the bench next to you and starts doing arm curls. He keeps glancing at you, but your back is to him so you don't notice. Soon he is behind you with two 50 pound dumbbells above your head. Reese throws you out of the way as they are coming down, and they crush his skull. You lay on the floor in shock as the new guy starts to run. The guards tackle him and drag him away. You are stuck on the floor in a puddle of Reese's blood. You cannot process what just happened.

The warden calls you into his office and announces you will be released. You should be happy, thrilled, but your face is still blank with the image of Reese's death replaying over and over again. He says it again expecting you to jump for joy, but nothing happens. He has you sign some papers and you are a free man. He even pays for your plane ride back to England, yet your mind is numb. Your kids are teenagers now and hardly more than acquaintances, but your wife lunges at you and kisses you. She releases and stares at your blank eyes and cries. You are not the same, you will never be the same. The moment you waited for is here but you aren't here to experience it. You go home with your family and years pass. Things get better but you will never be who you were again. You see the disappointment in there face and cannot cope with letting them down, so after they go to sleep one night you take your car and drive it straight into the ocean. As the water fills the car, your only wish is for a reset button.

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