Brain Bleached/New Bount/Female/13 year Virgin/1st Hollow/Use Blitz

From Create Your Own Story

< Brain Bleached | New Bount | Female | 13 year Virgin
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Chapter 3:True Blitz and Power Donner

"Zeige dich, Blitz." Your ring glows as electricity begins forming a dragon shape and charges the hollow. The hollow is surprised, injured, but not killed. The hollow easily knocks Blitz away. I haven't absorbed enough souls recently, you think as Blitz is repelled again and again. You have one trick up your sleeve that doesn't prove you are a Soul Reaper. "Wahre Macht, Blitz und Donner." True Power, Lightning and Thunder. Blitz flies straight up and disappears into a storm cloud. Shortly after, 2 bolts of energy, 1 white and 1 blue start coming down while curling around each other. The white bolt reaches you first, forming a golden gauntlet attached to a white blade, the true power of Blitz, and the blue bolt makes a silver gauntlet with a blue kite shield, the true power of Donner. The huge rise in spiritual pressure attracts the hollow, but he ignores you in favor of Ichigo, who apparently gained soul reaper powers from the injured soul reaper. his zanpakutou is positively massive! He seems oblivious to you, but the hollow isn't. Thinking that you are easier prey, it charges you. You use Donner to repel his attacks, but he attacks too rapidly and violently for you to counter. You finally get a chance when Ichigo slashes his back, and you take this as an invitation to attack as he focuses on Ichigo. You jump over the hollow and aim Blitz directly between his eyes for one of your special techniques, Blitzschlag, "Lightning Blast." Blitz shoots a blast of electric-like spiritual pressure that vaporizes the hollow. Ichigo looks at you surprisedly, but you run away before he can ask you anything.

The next day

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