1. My childhood nursemaid, of course. It would be scandalous for a princess to be attended by a man.

From Create Your Own Story

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Old Nan shuffles in with a sour look on her face. She is the complete opposite of the jovial nursemaid archetype. She is tall and thin, made up of sharp lines and deep wrinkles. Her mouth has been twisted into a scowl for as long as your remember, and her gaze always seems to be distant and accusing. Despite the fact that this women all but gave birth to you, you could never bring yourself to love her—perhaps because she has never treated you with anything more than passionless indifference.

Her eyebrows draw together as her gaze falls upon you. Old Nan looks anything but pleased right now. “Did you not even think comb your hair?” she says, snatching a comb from the bureau and advancing towards you. “Do you expect Old Nan to do everything for you?”

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