Decline it

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to decline to phone and you continue doing your homework. When you wake up the next morning, you discover that no one is in your house. While going outside, you see a crowd gathering around the square, with a white-skinned girl with long, blonde hair in the middle. "Where is [your name] [your last name]?" the girl asked. " He/she needs to come out here now! Anyone who is related to her and knows where he/she is will be persecuted." You shiver at the very thought, and reveal yourself. "I am [your name] [last name]!" you yowl, stepping forward. "Good," the girl says. "Then come with me." You go with her to an alley that branches off, and she speaks to you. "My name is Jen Balboe, and I have a little something for you." Jen takes you down the alley to an empty house and looks you inside. "Bye-bye!" she trills as she walks away. You shiver as you wonder what will happen. Then you see two doors. One has an axe on it, and one has a picture of a knife. You have ten seconds before your life ends. Do you:

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