Make her walk home nude and covered in jizz

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:07, 22 June 2012 by Antenor (Talk | contribs)

"So, how far away do you live, Marie?" you ask.

"About half a mile, why?"

Walking up to her, you lean in and kiss her deeply, shoving your tongue down her throat. You can still detect the salt of your cum in her mouth, and it bothers you less than you thought it would.

"Because," you say when you pull away, "as part of the price of getting to bear a god's child, you will walk home exactly like you are."

As she looks down at herself in shock, you start putting your own clothes back on.

"But . . ." she says.

"You won't even get to leave this room until you agree," you say.

Nodding in defeat, Marie puts all her clothes in a pile in the corner, presumably to pick them up later.

You escort her down the stairs, where Janet is still sitting in the living room, trying to pretend she didn't hear her girlfriend getting raucously fucked. She looks over at the two of you and her jaw drops.

"Marie, what's wrong, why are you---" unable to even find the words, she simply gestures up and down her friend's body.

Deciding to put a good face on it, Marie says, "This is the semen of a god, and I will proudly wear it as I walk home."

You smile and nod in approval as you escort Marie to the door. Just before closing it after her, you smack her naked, cum-dripping ass once more. You now decide to

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